Mariska Hargitay appeared in a heartfelt video message, giving a big shoutout to her colleague, Ice T. With genuine warmth in her voice, she expressed her deep appreciation for Ice T’s unwavering support and friendship. “I just want to take a moment to thank Ice for being such an incredible partner and friend,” she began, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

In the video, Hargitay didn’t hold back on acknowledging Ice T’s professionalism and generosity. She spoke passionately about the importance of teamwork and recognizing the valuable contributions of others. “I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.

Ice, you’ve been amazing and I’m so grateful for your impact on our work together,” she gushed, a wide smile lighting up her face. 

The message truly emphasized the strong bond between the two colleagues, highlighting the value of mutual respect and support in their professional relationship. “Ice, you’re not just a co-star to me, you’re family,” she confessed, her emotion shining through every word she uttered.

It was a touching moment that resonated with fans and colleagues alike, showcasing the power of genuine appreciation and friendship. Hargitay’s heartfelt message was a beautiful reminder of the positive connection between them and the importance of cherishing those who uplift and support us in our professional endeavors.