Diddy’s anonymous sexual assault accuser ordered to reveal her name if lawsuit proceeds… after she accused the mogul of leading drug-fueled gang rape when she was just 17

Diddy scored a legal victory in court on Thursday as he fights a lawsuit brought by a woman accusing him of sex trafficking and gang raping her with other men when she was a teen.

A judge overseeing the case has ruled that the woman — whose identity has so far been kept under wraps — will no longer be able to stay anonymous if the lawsuit continues, according to legal documents obtained by TMZ.

DailyMail.com exclusively revealed in December that the 54-year-old rapper-turned-music mogul was being sued by the woman, who said she was 17 when Diddy allegedly sexually assaulted her with two male friends.

The accuser was the fourth woman to accuse Diddy of sexual assault in quick succession last year after his ex, the singer Cassie, sued him in November 2023.

Diddy (real name: Sean Combs) has vehemently denied the accusations of each of the women and claimed they are ‘looking for a quick payday.’

Diddy scored a legal victory in court on Thursday when a judge ruled that an anonymous woman suing him for sexual assault would need to reveal her name for the lawsuit to proceed, according to documents obtained by TMZ; seen in November in London

The woman accused Diddy of gang raping her with two other men when she was only 17 in 2003 after plying her with drugs and alcohol. He has denied the claim; she is pictured sitting on his lap in photos she claims were taken on the night of the alleged assault

The woman accused Diddy of gang raping her with two other men when she was only 17 in 2003 after plying her with drugs and alcohol. He has denied the claim; she is pictured sitting on his lap in photos she claims were taken on the night of the alleged assault

Diddy has filed a motion to have the woman’s case thrown out, and she will reportedly remain anonymous until the judge rules on that motion.

If they opt to allow her suit to continue, then her name will be added to all court documents.

The rapper and his co-defendants claimed in court that they would suffer prejudice if their accuser was allowed to remain anonymous while their names were public knowledge in the high-profile case.

The so-far anonymous woman filed her lawsuit on December 6.

After allegedly supplying the woman with ‘copious amounts of drugs and alcohol,’ Diddy and two pals are accused of taking turns violently raping the teen as she drifted in and out of consciousness, leaving her in so much pain that she could barely stand or remember how she got home, according to her complaint.

In harrowing detail, she described in her suit how Combs allegedly demanded that she pinch his nipples throughout the attack to help him ‘get off,’ before pulling up a chair to watch her being raped and choked by his associates.

She says she suffered in silence for 20 years until the R&B singer Cassie sued Combs, her former mentor and ex-boyfriend, for allegedly subjecting her to savage beatings, drug-addled hotel orgies and rape.

Combs denied the claims in that case and the two sides reached an out-of-court settlement barely 24 hours after the suit was made public in November 2023.

After the flurry of subsequent allegations, Diddy tweeted out a new statement under the heading ‘Enough is enough.’

The so-far anonymous woman filed her lawsuit on December 6 thanks to New York's Adult Survivors Act, which allowed accusers to sue alleged perpetrators during a one-time one-year window despite the statute of limitations passing

She included photos with her complaint that allegedly showed her in Diddy's Manhattan studio on the night she claims he and two other men sexually assaulted her

‘For the last couple of weeks I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy,’ he wrote.

‘Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday.

‘Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family and for the truth.’

The anonymous accuser’s 14-page complaint, filed in December in New York federal court, begins with a trigger warning in bold red lettering before detailing how the 11th grader was allegedly violated by Combs, his close friend Harve Pierre and a third unidentified male.

The accuser says she met Pierre, the former president of Combs’s label Bad Boy Records, and the mystery defendant at a lounge in Detroit where, according to the suit, the rapper had connections to the ‘Black Mafia Family (BMA), a drug trafficking and money laundering organization.’

‘Mr. Pierre repeatedly complimented Ms. Doe’s appearance, saying that she was hot, among other things. He then began talking about his self-described “best friend” and “brother,” Mr. Combs,’ the suit reads.

‘Specifically, Mr. Pierre continually stated that Mr. Combs would love to meet Ms. Doe. Mr. Pierre even called Mr. Combs and put Ms. Doe on the line. Mr. Combs told Ms. Doe that he would love to meet her, and that she should accompany Mr. Pierre to New York City in a private jet.’

The suit says Pierre led the high school student to a bathroom and smoked crack before taking out his penis and forcing her to perform oral sex.

Pierre, the mystery defendant and a third man allegedly took the girl to an airport in Pontiac, Michigan, where a private jet was waiting to fly them to New Jersey’s Teterboro Airport.

A convoy of black SUVs then whisked them into New York to Daddy’s House Recording Studio and they arrived to find Combs finishing up a session with a female recording artist.

When the artist left Combs asked the alleged victim to sit on his lap for a photo before the three defendants ‘began to ply Ms. Doe — a 17 year old child at the time — with copious amounts of drugs and alcohol,’ it’s alleged.

Unlike the majority of states which set their age of consent at 18, 17 is the age of consent in New York.

After allegedly supplying the woman with drugs and alcohol, Diddy and two pals are accused of violently raping the teen as she drifted in and out of consciousness, leaving her in so much pain that she could barely stand or remember how she got home, according to her complaint

After allegedly supplying the woman with drugs and alcohol, Diddy and two pals are accused of violently raping the teen as she drifted in and out of consciousness, leaving her in so much pain that she could barely stand or remember how she got home, according to her complaint

Jane Doe claims she was violated by Combs, his close friend and president of Bad Boy Records Harve Pierre and a third unidentified male; Combs and Pierre are pictured together in 2017

The suit adds: ‘While the evening became a blur, Ms. Doe does recall Mr. Combs, Mr. Pierre and the third assailant hitting on her incessantly, stroking her body, asking to see her “a**” and telling her how “hot” and “sexy” she was.

‘As the night wore on, the 17-year-old Ms. Doe became more and more inebriated, eventually to the point that she could not possibly have consented to having sex with anyone, much less someone twice her age.’

The attack allegedly began with Combs leading the girl to a bathroom, removing her underwear and raping her over the sink.

‘Doe did not consent to having sex with Mr. Combs, but he continued thrusting,’ the suit claims.

‘At some point, Mr. Combs turned Ms. Doe around to face him. He told her that he could not orgasm and asked her to squeeze his nipples as hard as she could to help him “get off.”

‘By this point, Ms. Doe was coming in and out of consciousness because of the drugs and alcohol she had been given by defendants.

‘Her next memory was looking up into the mirror above the sink to find that the third assailant had replaced Mr. Combs and was raping her from behind.

‘Mr. Combs was watching the Third Assailant sexually assault Ms. Doe from a chair outside of the bathroom,’ the suit alleges.

Pierre then took his turn, according to the victim, raping her and forcing her to perform oral sex until she was choking and gasping for breath.

When the trio finally left the bathroom she ‘fell into the fetal position and lay on the floor. Her vagina was in pain.’

The woman claims she could barely stand and had to be helped out of the building before she was put on a plane back to Michigan.

‘She has very limited recollection of her transport home, and only remembers being in her car sometime early in the morning. Her underwear was missing,’ the suit adds.

The victim claims she was plagued with feelings of shame and emotional distress for two decades but feared speaking out in case she was subjected to slurs and retaliation.

Another lawsuit takes aim at Pierre, alleging that he used his influence at Bad Boy Records to groom and sexually assault a former assistant

Within an hour of the anonymous woman's lawsuit being filed, Combs denied all accusations against him in a tweet

Her stance changed when Cassie (real name Cassandra Ventura) sued Combs for rape on November 16, 2023, claiming he abused her, plied her with drugs and filmed her having sex with male prostitutes while they dated from 2005 and 2019.

While the case was quickly settled and dismissed, it preceded a slew of similar lawsuits targeting the rapper, his entourage and his billion-dollar business empire.

Joi Dickerson-Neal, another accuser, claims Combs slipped something into her drink and sexually assaulted her in 1991 while she was a student at Syracuse University. She alleges that he filmed the attack and shared the video with his social circle.

Another Jane Doe alleges that she and a friend were raped by Combs and his friend, the singer–songwriter Aaron Hall, in the early 1990s.

A fourth lawsuit takes aim at Pierre, alleging that he used his influence at Bad Boy Records to groom and sexually assault a former assistant.

‘Enough is enough,’ he wrote in a statement denying all of the accusations. ‘For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy. Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday.

‘Let me be absolutely clear: I did not do any of the awful things being alleged. I will fight for my name, my family for the truth.’

‘Most triggering for Ms. Doe was reading about Ms. Ventura’s allegations of sex trafficking and being forced to have sex with other men against her will,’ reads the latest lawsuit, the fifth filed in three weeks.

‘Ms. Doe obviously understands that she too had been sex trafficked, and that Mr. Combs’ behavior in forcing women into nonconsensual sex was not an isolated incident or unique only to Ms. Ventura.

‘Then, just days later, Ms. Doe read about a case filed against Mr. Pierre. The suit alleged that Mr. Pierre used his portion of power at Bad Boy to groom and sexually assault his former assistant.

‘Seeing two other women bravely speak out against Mr. Combs and Mr. Pierre, respectively, gave Ms. Doe the confidence to tell her story as well.’

Combs’s previous accusers filed their claims just as the one-year ‘look-back window’ was set to expire on the Adult Survivors Act, a New York law allowing victims to submit claims outside of the usual statute of limitations.

The same law has seen historic abuse allegations leveled at famous figures including New York Mayor Eric Adams, Guns N’ Roses legend Axl Rose and actor Jamie Foxx.

Jane Doe says she suffered in silence for 20 years until the R&B singer Cassie sued Combs for allegedly subjecting her to savage beatings, drug-addled hotel orgies and rape

The anonymous woman’s suit, which names Daddy’s House Recording Studio and Bad Boy Holdings as defendants in addition to the three men, relies instead on the Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Act.

A recent amendment granted a similar two-year window from March 2023 to March 2025 for historic victims of gender-based crimes to file claims.

The accuser’s lawyer Douglas Wigdor told DailyMail.com: ‘As alleged in the complaint, defendants preyed on a vulnerable high school teenager as part of a sex trafficking scheme that involved plying her with alcohol and transporting her by private jet to New York City where she was gang raped by the three individual defendants at Mr. Combs’ studio.

‘The depravity of these abhorrent acts has, not surprisingly, scarred Doe for life.’

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