I’ve been one of your biggest fans, admiring you so much that I even called you a “walking green flag” London Boy. But now, I realize how little I truly know about you. Like many fans, I became a shipper-first rooting for Jarfyang (you and Sofia Smith), and later for Jarlette (you and Kolette Madelo) when it became clear that Sofia and Jm Ibarra had feelings for each other. However, as time passed, I noticed you began distancing yourself not only from Fyang but also from Kolette.

Jarren Garcia - Sofia Smith Jarfyang - Breaking News

I decided to solidly support you as a solo artist, thinking you might want to focus on yourself. But what hurts is how you seem to enjoy receiving gifts, praise, and support from your shippers, yet you don’t make much effort to show appreciation in return. Fans understand if you want to go solo or avoid being part of any ships, but some recognition or a simple effort to acknowledge their love would mean so much.

It feels like fame has changed you. Your name skyrocketed because of your identity as a London Boy, your unique style, and the ships that made fans excited. But now, many shippers are giving up on supporting you because they feel neglected. This isn’t a good sign, especially since you have a long journey ahead in your career.

I hope you reflect on this and remain humble. Please let your fans know what you truly want—whether it’s to focus on your individual growth or something else

—so they won’t feel hurt or used. You have so many people rooting for you, and it would be a shame to lose them over something as simple as a lack of communication or gratitude.